Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This is different...

As everyone is aware, a good portion of the US just got dumped on with snow, and ABQ was not left out of this storm.  In fact, it was so bad here that UNM was closed yesterday and today which meant I was not expected to go to work.  I guess they were afraid of people driving in these treacherous conditions.  Here is a pic of our cars buried by the snow yesterday and a pic of our front yard this morning.

I know, how could I even think about driving my 2 mile commute in these conditions?!  Right.

I am still in shock that UNM was not only closed yesterday, but today too!  Granted, it is FREEZING cold - it is currently -18 with the windchill, but the roads are totally CLEAR.  I actually just went to work thinking all of my co-workers probably went in since we all have work to do and it is dry and sunny outside.  Nope.  I am now back home because all of the lights were out in my building and I didn't want to sit in a building by myself all day - too creepy!  Honestly, I just feel guilty right now.  It's like calling in sick when you're not.  Maybe the mentality in ABQ is just different than CO and MI.  Maybe everyone is just looking for an excuse for a day off, so when the opportunity arises it is taken full advantage of.  If so, I can adjust to this - I will just have to start embracing it :).

1 comment:

  1. Your title reminds me of when Grandma bakes something and she said "for something differnt" and she pulls out some old lady dessert with pineapple or something crazy. Where's the chocolate cake?!
    You'll get used to ABQ weather and learn to love it. In fact you'll come home at Chirstmas and complain about our snow and grey skies...oh wait... ;)
