Thursday, December 9, 2010

Settling In...

We are finally starting to fall into a routine in ABQ.  We haven't had much of a routine since we decided to sell our house last May, and Micah and I both appreciate a weekly routine, so we have found the chaos difficult.  We like to have workout schedules, weekly meal plans, and social events planned in advance.  This is just not possible when you are packing a house, traveling, moving to another state, living in temporary housing, starting new jobs and finding your way around a new city.  But the routine has begun!

We joined the local climbing gym and we are now climbing 3 days a week.  We have also started running  a few evenings a week together.  I am writing our weekly meal plans again, which makes the week so much simpler.  AND, Micah promised years ago that when he started working full-time we would go out to dinner every Friday night, and he has held true to his promise.  This is a great new routine!  Although we only know a couple of people in ABQ thus far, we have enjoyed a couple of meals with them and we look forward to making plans with more new friends in the future.

Life in ABQ will be good.  We are both enjoying our jobs, we are starting to figure out which neighborhood we would like to buy a house in, and we are actively looking for a church home.  It will take time, but we know that we can make ABQ a great place to live if we spend our time doing things we enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Sean and I really like your blog Kendra and Micah! Congrats on finishing and it looks like life in NM is off to a great start =) Also, your trip to India seemed like a blast!
