Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Moving AGAIN!

Yes, that's right, for the THIRD time since we moved to ABQ less than six months ago we are moving.  Our current lease is up at the end of April and we had the option to continue month to month, but we were motivated to find a less expensive house closer to the mountains and we succeeded!  Originally we thought we would want to live in Nob Hill in ABQ, which is an older neighborhood with a newly revitalized shopping and restaurant area, but we quickly discovered it is not really our style.  We like to get outside and go for runs and hikes or go climbing, not stroll down a street poking in random stores.  Luckily, we did not have the funds to buy right away so we've been renting, otherwise we would be stuck in Nob Hill!

My commute will go from 7 minutes to 25 minutes, but I do believe it will be worth it.  The new rental has the same number of rooms as this house (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms), although the rooms are slightly smaller, but well worth the location and savings.  We are mostly excited for the background as it has a great patio for grilling, right off of the kitchen, and beautiful views of the city below.

At first I was dreading the thought of moving again, and then I remembered how much I LOVE to get rid of things and get organized.  Yesterday we received our copy of the fully executed lease and today I began going through our closets to prepare for the move!  We will have a two week overlap between houses, so I probably don't need to prepare this much, but I just love to fill up bags for Goodwill.  Even though we went through this routine last summer when we moved from Colorado, we have already managed to fill up 6 bags with stuff we don't really need!  Understandably, Micah gets a bit nervous when I start looking through his things....

It's funny that we were so ready to get into a routine when we moved to ABQ, but now I feel exhilarated by this upcoming change.

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