Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not Quite Ready

Most of the blogs and Facebook posts I read these days are about babies and children.  My friends and relatives all have absolutely adorable little ones who are doing adorable things and it is fun to read about, but I have to admit it often makes me a bit jealous.  When I read these posts or look at cute baby pics I feel like I am missing out and I'm not "part of the club," BUT then I remember that my life would be COMPLETELY different if we had kids right now.  Here are some reasons why I am THANKFUL we do not have children (yet....):

  • Moving: It would be really difficult to move if we had kids - especially if they were school age.  It has been hard enough for us to adjust to our new surroundings.
  • Flexible Morning Schedule: I do love having a routine but with our move it has been impossible!  I am waking up at different times every morning depending on if I want to go for a run, get Starbucks on my way to work, eat breakfast, etc. 
  • Flexible Evening Schedule: I like to run errands after work or go for a quick run, which wouldn't be possible if we had to worry about daycare or school pick-up. 
  • Travel: Okay, so we haven't traveled that much, but we did just go to India!
  • Going out to eat: Since we are living in a new city we are going out to eat more because we want to try new things.  Plus, we have been exhausted so it has been a lot easier just to go out.
  • Climbing: We have joined a climbing gym in ABQ and we hope to start going 3 times a week.  That would be a lot of babysitter hours!
  • Traveling for the Holidays: Plane tickets are EXPENSIVE for Christmas, and it wouldn't be fun to buy more seats.
I am sure there are more things throughout the day that I don't even realize will be more difficult when we have kids, but the main thing is, right now we can do what we want, when we want!  

[Disclaimer: We do want kids someday and I think it is great that many of our friends have started their families.  I am simply trying to remind myself why it is great for us to have waited for 5 years (and counting).  Also, my 28th birthday is next month and I guess I always imagined having children by now.  BUT I believe it is best to live in the moment and enjoy the time we have with the two of us right now.]

Oh, and if any of my friends or family members with beautiful children want to add to my list of why NOT having kids right now is perfect for us, it may help :).

1 comment:

  1. My kids are practically perfect in every way and only have made life easier.
    Running into stores is simple as pie after you choose and sanitze cart-unclick seatbealts-wipe hands and mouths from car snack to keep them content-click them into another restraint in the cart, our morning schedule is based on how many Arthurs and Cliffords they may watch before getting ready and you learn to make a BIG pot of coffee for youself (flavored creamer is amazing), for the first couple years you don't NEED an extra seat on the plane you can hold that adorable-squirming-screaming-babe on your lap, school aged kids can "help" pack if you need to move again, invest in a great jogging stroller because they will sit contently and quietly for your 25 mile training runs easily, my kids are GREAT climbers who needs a sitter for that?
    Just a friendly reminder: FREE babysitters galore here in Holland for datenights and such.
    ***all in good fun***
